So what on earth have we been up to?? So much!
Making homemade toys, soap and getting our little pug Pinky re-adjusted to being home. (See previous posts below for details on each)
In an effort to rid our home of plastic-blinky-blinky-blinky-non-imaginative toys, we are on a quest to make new, fun, natural material toys to replace the ones we're just gotten rid of. One of which are these lovely playsilks! What is a playsilk -- hmm.. here's a good definition. We had so much fun dying them with koool aid yesterday, and dd and son began having fun with them almost immediately.
In addition to the playsilks, we've been playing around with wool roving, making felted balls and fairies. What fun that was! Click below to flip through the pics to see the felt ball making fun!
The kids had a ball! And it was a most impressive science project!
All of the wool roving for this project and the felted balls, was given to us by some dear fellow ravelers, who read about our interest in natural wool toys, and donated some wool to experiment with! From color dyed, to natural combed wool to raw wool straight from the sheep! This little play has provoked some kind of a desire to play with wool (oh no! Could the spinning bug be hitting home!), and as such we have 2 LB of roving on order from The Sheep Shed Studio. Maybe I won't spin it.. {clearing her throat}, I simply DON'T have time...
So, I decided to show my gratitude to these generous wool-giving ladies, by sending them some handmade soap we recently made. That was another fun venture. Click through the stack below to see the process (you can also click to enlarge and see a description.:
In more news ~~ Pinky is home and settling in just wonderfully!
She did have a vet appointment yesterday for a small imperfection we spotted in her eye. All is well, however, and we left with some eye drops to administer 3 times a day.... oh joy! But hopefully, this will mean clear, beautiful eyes for a long time to come.
Until later..
she is so cute! I have a friend who has a pug named Portia...she is a little stinker!
I love the playsilks......I used to make capes for my kids when they were little..........
Ohhhh LOVE LOVE the playsilks and soap and precious faces of your little ones. I linked to your blog from your Ravelry profile. Please let me know how to find the receipe for your soap!! I've been wanting to find a good homemade (but easy?!) soap recipe. Beautiful blog and beautiful knits - OH - the spindle request! That's how I saw you. Have you made a homemade spindle yet? There are some very easy yet effective homemade spindles - do a google search. You can make one for less than $5 and more like $1.50. It'll get you started and will help you decide whether it's something you're really interested in. Recommended reading: Spinning in the Old Way by Priscilla Gibson Roberts - you might be able to get it from the library? A good investment and is only about $10 for the book. Best book on drop spindling with a top whorl spindle that you can find. :)
PS Do you get your playsilks from Dharma Trading? I'm thinking of getting some there to dye for my little ones.
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