Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me! Monday: My ignorance, My bliss? :/

"Are you feeling guilty for not washing your child's swimsuit after they wear it? Feel greasy because you don't wash your hair every day? Overcome with embarrassment because your child was rude while out to dinner? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!"

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else has not been doing this week.

When I read about Not Me! Monday, I figured I had better jump in with both feet and add it to my weekly blogging experience, since there are too many imperfections to count!!! LOL Talk about a leap in blog content! So, on to the denial! ... as for me? Here's what I have NOT been doing:

I have NOT been ignoring the HUGE laundry pile that mocks me.. YES!!! as if it isn't even there. total and complete ignorance, on my part. If i dont look at it, it wont be there, right? wrong... only works until everyone has nothing to wear.. and you have to start wearing your husbands undies.. haha! Ok, so, thankfully! HUBBY to the rescue! he saw me sinking and came to my rescue. My hero!!!

I have NOT been feeling completely overwhelmed lately, to the point of hiding behind my new favorite show, and burying my head in a book every chance I get. It's time to get back on top of it all, a day at a time.

and, here's a biggie! I have NOT been allowing my kids (and myself) to eat all manner of AWESOME things!!! {{pukey face}}.. we must cut that out now.. vacation is OVER! LOL

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