Of course, Ravelry is the ultimate be-all of needle art organization for most fiber artists, but I've come to realize that electronic organization is not for everyone. It seems, more and more people have joined the movement back to pen and paper organization.
While browsing for a Nintendo DS sock pattern, I came across this VERY neat knitting journal! I absolutely love the idea (and I'll be sure to post pics of my own journal when I get around to making one)! As much as I love Ravelry (and I do!), one must admit that there is NO substitute for the *touch and feel* of fiber arts. There's a certain sensual tingle that runs up every knitters spine when they run a piece of luxurious, fluffy, silky fiber through their fingers. A knitting journal is the perfect way to combine this strange "touchy" addiction with the ability to keep track of projects, needles, stash, and gift and queue lists. A physical journal is the perfect place for fiber swatches ~ wether it be the yarn for that specific knitting project, or the roving for your next creatively designed handspun yarn ~ swatches are perfect - the touch and the feel. As long as you have all of the proper elements, a journal should be fairly simple and fun to assemble. Grace, at Kathyrn Ivy.com, has been so completely thorough in this area, by providing everything you need to get started - and it's all free! The site even includes all of the free printable pages you'll need to create your own fiber organizational masterpiece!
Put THAT on your New Years Resolution list! ;-D